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Sacred Resources & Inspiration
Grab a coffee, your journal and a cozy place as I lead you on a soulful journey where I share daily rituals, intuitive insights and wholehearted recommendations.
Create A Routine Reset During A Season Change
It can be easy to resist the shorter days and frigid temperatures, spending months counting down the days until spring begins. This mindset can make for a long six miserable months. Instead, what if you utilized this time to reconnect to self and find the gifts and beauty in natures changes?
Here’s My Approach To Dealing With A Setback
Instead of calling it an obstacle, try changing the wording to opportunity instead. When you move from uncertainty to trust, you have faith that you're heading in the right direction regardless of the obstacles.
One Year Without Social Media - My Reflection
On January 25, 2021, I chose to make a drastic change in my relationship with social media. Here is my reflection of the before, during and after.
Guided Breath Meditation In Silence
Waves Of Ocean Healing Meditation
Create a Meditation Practice Part 11
To begin creating a practice, you have to be willing to set aside time to give it a chance, and the resolve to stick with it. It may be helpful to set an intention as to why you are choosing to incorporate meditation into your daily life.
Create a Meditation Practice - Part 1
Developing a practice of meditation helps you bring your body & mind into the parasympathetic. This is the process of rest and digestion and is essential for optimal health.
How To Ground Your Energy
When You Feel Resistance To Taking Action
Eight Tips For Success On The Wild Rose Cleanse
It’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at first, as there is thought and effort that needs to go into planning & prep. Between figuring out what meals to make, grocery shopping, meal prepping, and preparing for how your body will respond, it is an undertaking when you’re doing it the first time around.
My Favorite Apps For Self Care & Wellness
Lifestyle Manifesto
It all begins with an idea.