Here’s My Approach To Dealing With A Setback

I found out some news today that is going to affect my projects and intentions over the next several months.

One of our dogs had surgery on her knee last year, and the surgeon mentioned that the same thing could happen to the other knee very easily.

Well, here we are with a second torn cruciate and waiting to get on a surgery list.

All I'm thinking is...

I already have enough on my plate, how will we manage with this as well?

As fear, anxiety and overwhelm fill my being. 4 months of post-op recovery time…Urgh.

I'm sure you've recently had a curve-ball interrupt your path, and it's likely brought up uncomfortable emotions.

I wanted to share these helpful tips in my process to help you shift setbacks, as I also need the reminder:

1. Change Your Narrative

Instead of calling it an obstacle, try changing the wording to opportunity instead. How does that feel?

When you move from uncertainty to trust, you have faith that you're heading in the right direction regardless of the obstacles.

You may think you can control every aspect of your life, but that is not realistic. Lean into the uncertainty, trust that this is being placed in your path as an opportunity to learn.

Continue to hold your intentions in your heart, and let go of the how.

2. They Are Part Of The Process

Obstacles, or (shall we start calling them opportunities now?) are part of the journey! Plan for them to happen because it is a guarantee they will.

It's not about trying to avoid them, but how you approach them. Reframing this can create an instant mindset shift.

You may think you can plan the exact way to your desired outcome. Yet, leaving space for possibilities that you have not considered can create magic beyond what you can imagine right now.

Trust in the unseen, it is likely guiding you to information, a person, a piece of knowledge or clarity you seek.

3. Use Your Resourcefulness

I love this quote..

"When all doors close, open the ceiling, or dig a hole. There is always a way. Be resourceful." - Kute Blackson

What do you need to adjust so you can continue to remain connected to your desired intentions?

What action step(s) can you take to move from a victim of your circumstance to a powerful co-creator?

What obstacle opportunity are you currently facing in your life?

Reply in the comments below and let me know, I would love to hear.

Interested in going deeper?

The Return To Self Program is available for enrolment.

In your corner,

Jen Traxel


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