Return To Self Journey

A powerful program that prompts you through the process of creating a clear roadmap of the life you want to lead, a plan for making it happen and powerful tools for continued growth & manifestation.

A Transformative Journey of self-discovery From The Inside Out 


Place your hand on your heart

Take a deep breath

Reflect on this for a moment...


What would it feel like to build a firm foundation for yourself that feels purposeful, nurturing and fulfilling?

The emerging of your fullest potential.

Your intrinsic, liberated and whole self.

Claiming ownership of your life through intention, compassion and devotion.

A series of awakenings guiding you to recieve this life changing invitation. An initiation you’ve been waiting for.

Unearthing what lights up your soul from the deepest parts of your being to guide you wholeheartedly home to yourself.


Return to Self

Claim your true north, align with your highest self and transform your life.

The Transformative Journey of Self Discovery From The Inside Out

Does this sound inspiring?

Let’s go a little deeper…

🌿 To have the time to do the things you love.

🌿 To fill your own cup and wake up feeling full & alive.

🌿 Uncover powerful pieces of wisdom stored within your soul, just waiting to be discovered. 

🌿 Knowing that you are actually living the highest vision of your one amazing life.

An intimate, powerful and meaningful journey of self-transformation.

There are no coincidences that you have been guided here and reading these words.


Ten years ago, I came to the gut-wrenching realization that I was living a life I truly didn’t want.

I spent a great deal of time hiding this truth from myself because I was too afraid to face what I knew I needed to do.

On a whim, I gifted myself a retreat to a tiny island in the Bahamas where I immersed myself in complete self-care.

For the first time in my whole life, I felt what it was like to be a human BEING, not a human doing. 

It was at that moment I knew it was time to answer my heart’s call. 

I found the courage to start over.

I vowed to honor my inner voice and disentangle the fear. I slowed down. I practiced presence. I listened. Really listened to what I was yearning for. I vowed to no longer sacrifice my true feelings, my wellness, worth or my sanity.


Be Honest With Yourself

You know that in order to live in alignment with your heart, you need to pay attention and listen to that nudge.

However, despite knowing this, you continue putting it off while thinking …

🧎‍♀️“I haven’t been true or honest with myself, and I’m scared to admit that.”

🧎‍♀️“I am following someone else’s version of a life I truly don’t want to live, and I don’t know what to do. I feel empty, it always feels like something is missing.”

🧎‍♀️“I'm at a breaking point and I need to do something I just don’t know what. I feel so stuck and frustrated

🧎‍♀️“It is essential that I reconnect with myself, and know myself well. I just don’t know how.”

🧎‍♀️“I’m afraid to admit that I don’t have my life together, even though I try to make it look like I do.”

🧎‍♀️“I am not making decisions that I truly want because I'm scared.”

🧎‍♀️“I worry about never living up to my potential, leaving all my dreams unfulfilled, wasting my life and not enjoying any of it.”

Visualize The Possibilities

Imagine you’re living a nurturing, empowering lifestyle from the inside out without feeling like something is always missing.

How would this show up in your life?

🌿 Live filled with purpose, making decisions that come from the deepest, most authentic parts of your being.

🌿 Boldly step into a new paradigm with the tools to navigate decisions and choices along your path, while standing strong in your values & heart. 

🌿 Being so damn proud of yourself, of who you are and what you’re becoming

🌿 Excited and amazed by the synchronicities showing up in your life.

🌿 A clear roadmap of the life you want to lead, a plan for making it happen and self-discovery tools you can utilize again and again on your journey ahead. 

🌿 Ability to tap into your own intuitive self to make choices from your heart.

🌿A framework for making time for self-care and nurturing soulful practices that compliment your new lifestyle.

🌿 Development of intention setting habits to stay on track with your crystal clear intentions.

🌿 Ability to use awareness, reflection and woo woo practices to reconnect to self

🌿 Growth & expansion become a new normal unfolding in your life 

The Call To Adventure Awaits

“The journey always begins with the call. One way or another, a guide must come to say,

“Look, you’re in sleepy land. Wake. Come on a trip. There is a whole aspect of your consciousness, your being, that’s not been touched. So you’re at home here?”

Well, there’s not enough of you there. And so it starts…”

Quote by Joseph Campbell


Your Journey Of Transformation

The Hero’s Journey inspired by Joseph Campbell


The Pull From Within

You know within the greatest depths of your being that something needs to change, you just don’t know how to start. Yet the gnawing within continues to persist.

Refusal Of The Call

You continue to live your life as you are. Fear & self-doubt keep you stuck. A general sense of discontent. Your inner fire is extinguished and you fear you’ll never live to your full potential.

Meeting The Mentor

You are synchronistically guided to someone in your life who wants to help you. You feel inspired and ready to learn, but still hesitant to make changes. This mentor is someone you trust.


Crossing The Threshold

You begin the journey, taking steps in a direction you’ve never explored before. Maing big changes, getting out of your comfort zone. It feels scary but also exciting at the same time.

Tests, Trials & Challenges

You come up against resistance. Your beliefs, doubts & fears come to the surface. This is the messy middle, but necessary to grow. I am here with you every step of the way.

Growth & New Skills

You are in the early stages of shifting your mindset, and applying the new skills you’ve learnt. You are unravelling a new way of being, and excited at what this could look like ahead.



It’s as if you are wearing a new pair of glasses, and really starting to see how far you have come from where you were. You continue to unravel more layers, as you breakthrough to new heights. Trust & commitment to yourself is key.

Paradigm Shifts

Your mindset, your perspectives, beliefs, self-talk and connect to yourself has transformed. You are making nourishing choices for yourself, and beginning to see your transformation is unfolding before your eyes.

Integration of a New Normal

You look back and realize how far you have come, as you find yourself thriving in a whole new way of life. You are so proud of yourself and ready to live from the inside out, with your heart as your guide.


The Reward

Opportunities, inspired actions, synchronicities and new adventures flow your way as if by magic. Your life is filled with meaning, contentment and a firm foundation within.

Return Changed

You return to your world transformed. Pursuing your passions wholeheartedly, making choices that align with your heart and stepping boldly into your greatness. You are so proud of yourself.


I Would Be Honoured To Support Your Growth

Are you ready to uncover your fullest potential in alignment with your soul, while discovering your inner power, passions and purpose?

Let’s Do this together

Return To Self

A powerful self-guided program that prompts you through the process of creating a clear roadmap of the life you want to lead, a plan for making it happen and powerful tools for continued growth & manifestation.

A Transformative Journey of self-discovery From The Inside Out 

Return To Self Member

“I can't thank you enough for the entire mindset shift.

I am kinder to myself, I am okay if things don't go as planned or where I expected they would. It's made life a fun journey again, listening and looking for clues.

I feel empowered and prepared to make decisions and know how to guide myself.

I feel equipped to protect myself in situations with boundaries. Thank you for opening up my eyes to what I already held inside, and teaching me to understand my gifts.

I will forever be grateful that the universe lead me to you.”

Here’s How It All Breaks Down

Return To Self

A sneak peek inside the journey

Module 1: Discovery

Ground into who you are at your core so you can begin defining your true northBegin a practice of reflection & self expression with creation of a sacred space.

  • Get to the truth of what’s out of alignment through self-declaration.

  • Explore and get clear on your values, soul food, passions and unique interests.

  • Building your awareness muscles - getting curious about where you are vs where you truly want to be.

  • An introduction to utilizing your own oracle cards, and how to connect to your own intuitive messages.


Module 2: Intuition

Connect to the highest version of yourself

  • Decode intuition, demystify its use and why it’s important.

  • Connect to your inner guide and develop the skills and understanding of how your sixth sense works.

  • Learn the foundations of the Chakra's/energy centers to strengthen your intuition.

  • Grounding, stabilizing and protection through energetic boundaries.

  • Fun intuitive practices & exercises that make it easy to connect to your abilities.

  • Become a master manifestor in alignment with your intentions and the universe.


Module 3: Vision

envision what’s possible & Develop clarity in preparation for your empowered journey ahead

  • Awaken your creativity by understanding barriers, misconceptions and the foundational process.

  • Get clear and tangible on the vision of who you want to become through a visual essence board.

  • Develop your own soul-centered mission statement that becomes your guiding force.

  • Put together your foundation so you begin to feel inspired to take action.

  • Learn my core framework to manifesting your new intentions.


Module 4: Shadow

Together, we’ll explore the darkness to find your light

  • Understand the shadow self and build awareness of how it sabotages your growth.

  • Develop compassion, forgiveness and kindness toward self.

  • Shift your relationship with resistance & discomfort.

  • Learn how to manage fear and doubt

  • Understand the process of uplevelling and how you can leverage your growth.

  • Set empowering boundaries and the crucial importance of honoring your own needs.

  • Develop a healthy, new mindset that sets you up for success.


Module 5: Intention

creation of powerful intentions, execution and intentional action planning

  • Simply your life through the 3 step process of energetic decluttering.

  • Learn my intimate approach to intention setting.

  • Develop your own annual, monthly, weekly & daily intention process

  • Incorporate structure & surrender simultaneously

  • Inspirational visioning and intentional planning process.

  • Delve into the value of trusting and faith through this process.


Module 6: Alignment

Integration of your new normal

  • Embody a peak state through a new paradigm, mindset and foundation.

  • How you can seek out a soul friend to share, grow and connect.

  • Learn how to become your own coach, supporting yourself on your continued evolution.

  • Touchpoints of integration & embodiment.

  • Expand your horizon by looking at how far you’ve come and what’s really possible.

What Makes This Program Different?


relatable mentor

You are going to learn firsthand from someone who has walked this journey again & again. I’ve been stuck, miserable, disconnected and full of fear just like you. I have created this program so I can teach you everything I know about finding alignment with your true self.

spirituality in the real world

I have over twenty years of experience within the holistic world & spirituality, over seven years as a business owner and eight years in emergency services. New age concepts are brought down to earth in a way that you can actually apply in the real world.

sacred learning space

In a saturated coaching market my primary intention is to be real, relatable and trustworthy. This is a safe space where you will be heard, seen, validated and understood. This program allows you to return again & again as you integrate the teachings.

Return To Self Member

“If I hadn’t joined the Return To Self Program, I would still be walking around ungrounded and taking on everyone else’s pain.

I have learnt to make myself a priority, set empowering boundaries and love myself.

This program was well worth my time and effort, you will learn SO much about yourself!”

6 Month Self-Guided Journey

A Clear Roadmap To Create The Life You Want To Lead

Program Bonuses

✨Self-Guided Journey Free Gifts✨

BONUS 1: Personal Intuitive Message from Jen - sent to you via video recording to provide you with additional insights as you begin the program (Valued at $120)

BONUS 2: Access to a monthly live call with jen along with others in the program to dig deep into the lessons, reflect and get guidance. Access to call recordings (valued at $999)

BONUS 3: Free gift from jen sent to you via mail you will utilize as a powerful tool for the remainder of your life (valued at $50)


Here’s What You Get Inside of the Return To Self Program



dashboard access

Access to your own program dashboard with learning materials, resources and recordings that you can access and learn in your own time.


sacred community space

Access to the private community space where you will connect with other like-minded souls and share in your experiences, insights and synchronicities.



monthly Intuitive messages

Throughout the program, you will receive several intuitive messages from Jen with the use of oracle/tarot cards added to the group dashboard & community space.


sacred tool recommendations

Jen shares her insights, tips & favourite tools to reflect, integrate and apply the knowledge you are learning. You will also receive access to downloadable workbooks to support your growth through each module.

Return To Self Member

“I am so thankful for having you in my life. You have shaped my mindset in more ways than you will ever know. The impact you’ve had has transformed me into a new woman & mother.

The content in this program opened up my eyes to what it really means to be intuitive, to live with intention.

I highly recommend joining. You will find more clarity and learn so much about yourself. You will also meet other wonderful people going through the same journey.

Thank you Jen”

Self-Guided Special Offer

you could make massive shifts in your life before the next season


Pay In Full

One-time payment


You will receive:

Dashboard access to course content, resources, intuitive messages, sacred tools and the bonuses

I’m Ready

Payment Plan

6 Monthly Payments


You will receive:

Dashboard access to course content, resources, intuitive messages, sacred tools and the bonuses

I’m Ready


Program Bonuses

✨Self-Guided Journey Free Gifts✨




This is for you if:

🌿 You have no idea how or where to begin when it comes to pursuing your life’s work, connecting to your passions & living your purpose.

🌿 You feel disorganized, going day by day without being intentional or purposeful

🌿 You can’t seem to make a commitment to daily self-care practices, even though you really want to

🌿 You aren’t able to find the courage & confidence to make the changes you know are needed, feeling frozen in fear

🌿 You feel like you’re going in circles and don’t know how to get out of recurring patterns

🌿 You feel you’re on an endless search for fulfillment, constantly striving and searching for what is going to make you happy

🌿 You’re interested in spirituality, new age and holistic practices, and would love to work with a coach who utilizes woo woo.

🌿 You also want someone who is going to push you out of your comfort zone, and give you that extra push when you need it.

🌿 You are willing to go deep, face uncomfortable emotions

🌿 You understand that change takes time, and willing to see this as a journey of exploration & self discovery.


This isn’t for you if:

🛑 You are seeking a quick fix and want the changes to happen as soon as possible

🛑 You get excited to start something new, jump in with both feet then slowly lose interest and stop showing up

🛑 You have a lot going on in your life currently that would prevent you from committing to the program

🛑 You aren’t curious or feel in alignment with spirituality, new age, woo woo, law of attraction etc.

🛑 You aren’t currently in a financial position to invest in yourself and your self-development

🛑 You aren’t ready to explore uncomfortable aspects of yourself and your life.

🛑 You think that once you go through this program you’ll be happy all the time, life will be perfect and everything will align, and you won’t need to continue your growth journey. 

🛑 You aren’t ready to face difficult emotions & truths.

🛑 You have excuses for not being able to make changes and take action


Here’s What You Get Inside of the Return To Self Program



dashboard access

Access to your own program dashboard with learning materials, resources and recordings that you can access and learn in your own time.


sacred community space

Access to the private community space where you will connect with other like-minded souls and share in your experiences, insights and synchronicities.



monthly Intuitive messages

Throughout the program, you will receive several intuitive messages from Jen with the use of oracle/tarot cards added to the group dashboard & community space.


sacred tool recommendations

Jen shares her insights, tips & favourite tools to reflect, integrate and apply the knowledge you are learning. You will also receive access to downloadable workbooks to support your growth through each module.

Seeking more information before joining? I have answers to your questions!

  • The program is open for ongoing enrolment, with access for 6 months from the date you enrol. The date for this program to become available is August 1st/2022.

  • The program opens on August 1st and is available for ongoing enrolment.

    Your program experience will be available for 6 months from the date you join.

    A bonus 60 minute session with me will be available if you register by August 15th.

  • You have come to the right place! We are going to work through this together as this is part of the journey. I will provide you with the tools to discover what it is that you truly long for.

  • I created this program to be an alternative, affordable option to working directly with me one on one. I want you to consider how powerful it is to invest in yourself, your growth and your potential. What does this truly mean for you, and are you willing to continue feeling stuck where you are?

    I trust that there’s a reason you’ve landed here. Following your heart means you won’t know all the steps ahead, but you know wholeheartedly in your being what the next right step is.

    Trust that if this feels in alignment, continue to ponder the pull to take a leap and see where it leads you! I promise you will be so grateful you did.

    I’ve been coaching clients one-on-one for over 8 years and I’m taking the lessons, concepts, resources and tools that I’ve used and capturing them in this journey.

  • The setup of this course will be laid out in a simple, easy-to-use interface.

    I will also ensure that the instructions to access the resources is easy to understand.

  • I will have recommended materials you can utilize to support you along your learning journey, but all are not necessary. At the very least a computer or phone, journal & pen.

  • To empower lost souls to recognize and claim their true north, so they can embark on a journey of living their fullest potential in alignment with their authentic self.

  • Send me an email at and I will be happy to help you!

    Additionally you can send me a DM via the Connect With Me button at the bottom right of the screen, I will get back to you very soon!

  • I wholeheartedly support all genders and the LGBTQIA community. All are welcome to this inclusive community if you are called to the journey!

  • If you’re away on vacation, you can listen to the recordings and access the resources when it works for you within your 6 month time frame.

  • Due to the nature of the online content access, I am not able to offer refunds for this program.

    If you’re not sure if it is the right fit, reach out to me and I can help you decide if it’s the right program for you.


I’m Jen, the Intuitive Visionary behind this powerful life-changing program.

I am honoured to be your guide on this journey!

 Together, we’ll embark on an adventure of living your fullest potential in alignment with your authentic self, claiming your true north. 

For many years I’ve helped ambitious, yet unfulfilled soul-seekers discover purposeful direction. I’ve coached hundreds of women through the journey home to themselves.

Through my time supporting my clients one on one and via experiences in my own life, I have developed a proven framework that leads to powerful shifts I have utilized over and over. 

I can’t wait to see you inside, let’s get started!

Is This Your Next Step?

Are you still feeling uncertain whether this is right for you?

Self-Guided Special Summer Offer

you could make massive shifts in your life before the next season


Pay In Full

One-time payment


You will receive:

Dashboard access to course content, resources, intuitive messages, sacred tools and the bonuses

I’m Ready

Payment Plan

6 Monthly Payments


You will receive:

Dashboard access to course content, resources, intuitive messages, sacred tools and the bonuses

I’m Ready